Saint of the Month: St. Anthony Mary Claret

St. Anthony Mary Claret was a missionary archbishop, chaplain to royalty, founder and publisher. Anthony was born in 1807 to Juan and Josefa Claret and the family lived in the town of Sallent in the Catalonia region of Spain. Juan owned a textile/weaving business, and Anthony was the fifth of...

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Wisdom of the Saints about the saints (part 2)

“The sainted martyrs…have inspired aged men to accomplish with much love a long course, and constrained them to support their failing steps by the staff of the Word; and they have stimulated women to finish their course like the young men, and have brought to this, too, those of tender...

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Saint of the Month: St. Just de Bretenieres

St. Just de Bretenières was a missionary priest and a martyr for the Faith in Korea. Just was born in 1838 at Chalons-sur-Saone in eastern France. His father was the Baron of the nearby town of Bretenières. Just had a younger brother named Christian. The family was well-to-do, and the...

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Saint of the Month: St Caesarius of Arles

St. Caesarius of Arles was a great preacher, bishop and theologian of the early Church in Gaul (modern France). He was born at Châlons in Burgundy c. 470. This city is now known as Chalon-sur-Saône, located in eastern France. His parents were Gallo-Roman and were apparently of minimal Christian faith....

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Wisdom of the Saints about sin (part 6)

“Let no one lead you astray; the most pernicious kind of sin is the failure to realize one’s own sinfullness.” St. Caesarius of Arles (5th-6th centuries) “Nor did demons crucify Him, it is you who have crucified Him and crucify Him still, when you delight in your vices and sins.”...

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Saint of the Month: St. Elizabeth of Portugal

St. Elizabeth of Portugal was a wife, mother, and queen; as well as a generous philanthropist and a Franciscan tertiary. Elizabeth was born in 1271 to King Peter III of the House of Aragon, and his wife Constance of Sicily. She was born at the royal Aragon Palace at what...

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Wisdom of the saints about sexual morality

“Either we must speak as we dress, or dress as we speak. Why do we profess one thing and display another? The tongue talks of chastity, but the whole body reveals impurity.” St. Jerome (4th-5th centuries, Doctor of the Church) “He that is chaste before marriage, much more will be...

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Saint of the Month: St. Columba

BORN TO ROYALTY St. Columba was a missionary priest and abbot, known as the Apostle to the Picts.  Columba was born to a Gaelic Irish royal family at Gartan in County Donegal in northern Ireland in the year 521.  His parents were Phelim and Eithne, and the child was probably baptized Columb...

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Wisdom of the Saints about detachment (part 4)

  “If material things please you, take occasion from them to praise God, and turn your love from them toward Him Who made them, lest in these things that please you, you displease Him.” St. Augustine of Hippo (4th-5th centuries, Doctor of the Church)   “Whatever you possess must not...

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