Saint of the Month: St. Peter Claver

St. Peter Claver was a missionary priest, a recipient of extraordinary spiritual gifts, and a messenger of mercy and comfort to some of God’s most afflicted children. Peter was born in 1580 to Pedro and Ana Claver, the youngest of four children. The Clavers were farmers at Verdu, a town...

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Saint of the Month: St. John Eudes

St. John Eudes was a priest, founder of seminaries and a religious order, and a key promoter of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. John was born in 1601 at Ri, a farming village in the Normandy region of France. His parents were farmers, a devout Catholic couple...

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The Wisdom of the Saints……..about faith (part 6)

“Let us struggle against the principalities, against the powers, against lurking tyrants and persecutors, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places and among the celestial beings, against the war which goes on even within ourselves among the passions, against...

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Mass Matters (But sometimes it’s hard!)

By Caroline McDonald It’s Sunday morning, and you hear the dreaded words from your kids: “I don’t wanna go to Mass. It’s so booooring.” We’ve sure heard it more than once in our house. How we respond depends on the age of the child complaining, and each age brings its...

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FOCUS Missionaries from St. Ignatius

St. Ignatius parishioners, Catherine Roveda and Conrad Collins, answer call as FOCUS Missionaries We are so proud of two of our own St. Ignatius parishioners for answering the call to be missionaries. Catherine Roveda and Conrad Collins have recently completed the intensive FOCUS training and will be leaving for their...

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Saint of the Month: St. Veronica Giuliani

St. Veronica Giuliani was a Capuchin abbess, and a recipient of extraordinary mystical spiritual gifts. In 1660 Ursula Giuliani was born to her parents Francesco and Benedetta at Mercatello, located in the Duchy of Urbino in north central Italy. Ursula was one of five girls. Benedetta was a very devout...

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Saint of the Month: St. Germaine Cousin

St. Germaine Cousin was a simple poor shepherd girl who bore nothing but love and faith in her heart despite suffering horrendous abuse. There is some doubt about Germaine’s parentage, but it is likely that she was the daughter of Laurent Cousin and his unnamed wife, who died when Germaine...

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