Saint of the Month: Venerable Antonietta Meo

Venerable Antonietta Meo was a twentieth-century child who lived a life of great spiritual depth and could become the youngest non-martyr ever canonized by the Catholic Church. Antonietta was born in Rome in 1930 to Michele and Maria Meo, their second and youngest daughter. She was known to all as...

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Saint of the Month: St. José de Anchieta

St. José de Anchieta was a religious and a pioneering missionary priest. José was born in 1534 at Tenerife on the Canary Islands, then a Spanish Colony. José’s parents were Juan Anchieta and Mencia Díaz, wealthy landowners who had left their native Basque Country in northern Spain. Juan’s father was...

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Saint of the Month: St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen

St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen was a lawyer, a religious order priest, a missionary, and a martyr for the Catholic Faith during the Counter-Reformation. Mark Rey was born in 1577 at Sigmaringen, Prussia, located in modern-day southwestern Germany. His father, Johannes, was burgomaster, the position roughly the equivalent to mayor. Mark...

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Saint of the Month: Bl. Benedict Daswa

Blessed Benedict Daswa was a husband and father, a school teacher and principal, and a modern-day martyr for his Catholic beliefs. Tshimangadzo Daswa Bakali was born in 1946 at the village of Mbahe in the Province of Limpopo, in South Africa. His given name was Tshimangadzo; his family name Daswa;...

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Saint of the Month: St. Basil the Great

St. Basil the Great, Father and Doctor of the Church, was a monk, bishop, and one of the most significant figures in the early centuries of the Church. Basil was born into a saintly family ca. 329 at Caesarea, Cappadocia in Asia Minor (present-day Turkey). The family was well-educated and...

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Saint of the Month: St. Francis Xavier

St. Francis Xavier was a Jesuit priest, a scholar, and one of the greatest missionaries in Church history. Francis was born in 1506 in the Xavier castle near the city of Sanguesa in the Navarre region of Spain. His father was the king’s counselor, and his mother was an heiress...

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Saint of the Month: St. Hugh of Lincoln

St. Hugh of Lincoln was an abbot and bishop who defended the rights of individuals and of the Church. Hugh was the son of a nobleman, William of Avalon. Avalon was a province of Dauphine in what was then the Holy Roman Empire, and what is now southeastern France. Hugh...

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Saint of the Month: Bl. Pierina Morosini

Blessed Pierina Morosini lived an exemplary life of devotion and purity. Pierina Eugenia Morosini was born in 1931 to Rocco and Sara Morosini at Fiobbio di Albino, a village in the Lombardy region of northern Italy. The family had a small farm. Rocco worked as a night guard at a...

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