Saint of the Month: Sts. Eulogius and Leocritia

Saints Eulogius, priest, and Leocritia, laywoman, of Cordoba were martyrs for the faith during the Moorish occupation of southern Spain. Since the early eighth century, southern Spain was under the rule of the Moors. They were a Muslim people mostly from northern Africa who had invaded the Iberian peninsula, as...

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Saint of the Month: St. Joseph of Leonissa

St. Joseph of Leonissa was a Capuchin priest, missionary, and peacemaker. Eufranio Desiderio was born to John Desiderio and his wife Frances in 1556, the fifth of eight children. The pious Catholic family lived at Leonissa, a hillside town in the Kingdom of Naples in present day central Italy. Eufranio...

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Saint of the Month: Blessed Laura Vicuña

Blessed Laura Vicuña was a heroically virtuous child who offered herself on behalf of her mother’s soul. Laura was born in Santiago, Chile in 1891 to José Domingo Vicuña and his wife Mercedes. José was from an aristocratic Chilean family. FAMILY TRAGEDY At the time of Laura’s birth, there was...

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Saint of the Month: St. Joseph Moscati

St. Joseph Moscati was a brilliant physician and researcher and was known as “The Holy Physician of Naples”. Giuseppe (Joseph in English) Moscati, the seventh of nine children, was born in 1880 to Francesco Moscati and his wife, Rosa De Luca dei Marchesi di Roseto. The family lived at Benevento...

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Saint of the Month: St. Philip Howard

St. Philip Howard was a husband and father, a Catholic convert during the English Protestant persecution of the faithful, and a martyr for the Faith. Philip was born in 1557 in London to Thomas Howard, the Duke of Norfolk, and his wife Lady Mary Fitzalan. A PRIVILEGED CHILDHOOD His maternal...

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Saint of the Month: St. Stephen of Hungary

St. Stephen of Hungary was a husband and father, and a great reforming king. Given the birth name Vajk, he was born to the leader of the Magyars, Grand Prince Geza, and Charlotte, his wife circa 975 at Esztergom built aside the Danube River. The Magyars were a nomadic people...

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