“And the Two Shall Become One Flesh”

Fr. Bry Shields, Pastor Marriage is a mission! Every husband and wife have a mission in the world: to have an exclusive and permanent love for each other and to bring forth children and nurture them in the most basic and indispensable setting — the family. Christians share not only...

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Spring School Update from Mrs. Miller

Mrs. Tori Miller, School Principal The bleakness of the winter has come and gone and Spring is in the air on the campus of St. Ignatius Catholic School. Students are presently taking the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) standardized testing in grades 2-8.  These test results are used as...

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Saint of the Month: St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen

St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen was a lawyer, a religious order priest, a missionary, and a martyr for the Catholic Faith during the Counter-Reformation. Mark Rey was born in 1577 at Sigmaringen, Prussia, located in modern-day southwestern Germany. His father, Johannes, was burgomaster, the position roughly the equivalent to mayor. Mark...

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Wisdom of the Saints about God

“Human art, moreover, produces houses, and ships, and cities, and pictures. And how shall I tell what God makes? Behold the whole universe; it is His work: and the heaven, and the sun, and angels, and men, are the works of His fingers. How great is the power of God!...

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Saint of the Month: Bl. Benedict Daswa

Blessed Benedict Daswa was a husband and father, a school teacher and principal, and a modern-day martyr for his Catholic beliefs. Tshimangadzo Daswa Bakali was born in 1946 at the village of Mbahe in the Province of Limpopo, in South Africa. His given name was Tshimangadzo; his family name Daswa;...

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