What makes teachers sad.

BY CAROLINE MCDONALD It’s that time of the year when some of my students tell me they’re not returning to St. Ignatius. I always give them a hug and tell them I’ll miss them. That is sincere: by the end of the school year we are family and it’s like...

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‘A lot more alike than we think we are’

Children resettled through Catholic Social Services’ Refugee Resettlement Program and St. Ignatius Parish children take part in the parish’s “Walk the Walk” program on June 26. (Rob Herbst/The Catholic Week) Children of CSS Refugee Resettlement Program join St. Ignatius kids for day of fun, bonding By ROB HERBST Reprinted from...

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Saint of the Month: Venerable Antonietta Meo

Venerable Antonietta Meo was a twentieth-century child who lived a life of great spiritual depth and could become the youngest non-martyr ever canonized by the Catholic Church. Antonietta was born in Rome in 1930 to Michele and Maria Meo, their second and youngest daughter. She was known to all as...

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The Wisdom of the Saints about love for God (part 2)

“O Love, Who are ever burning and are never extinguished, O Charity, my God, set me totally afire.” St. Augustine (4th-5th centuries, Doctor of the Church) “Lucky the man who loves and longs for God as a smitten lover does for his beloved…Someone truly in love keeps before his mind’s...

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The Wisdom of the Saints about Truth (part 4)

“For the Churches which have been planted in Germany do not believe or hand down anything different, nor do those in Spain, nor those in Gaul, not those in the East, nor those in Egypt, nor those in Libya, nor those which have been established in the central regions of...

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Saint of the Month: St. José de Anchieta

St. José de Anchieta was a religious and a pioneering missionary priest. José was born in 1534 at Tenerife on the Canary Islands, then a Spanish Colony. José’s parents were Juan Anchieta and Mencia Díaz, wealthy landowners who had left their native Basque Country in northern Spain. Juan’s father was...

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St. Ignatius Class of 2015 Excel at McGill-Toolen

Forty-two members of the St. Ignatius class of 2015 are graduating from McGill-Toolen, this Spring. This year’s grads have had an exceptional year. Here are just some of their outstanding academic achievements: St. Ignatius grads have received scholarship offers totaling over $3 million dollars! They have been accepted to schools...

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