Construction Update

By Fr. Shields The pictures shown above were taken on October 23, and illustrate the beginning of the foundation work for the new church. The roof of our church will be 53’ high, and at a sharp angle, leaving no room for attic space. As a result, our air conditioning...

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Trees of St. Ignatius

The St. Ignatius campus is blessed with an abundance of trees providing both beauty year around and shade during our warm months. Trees were an important consideration when preparing our master plan for the campus. The plan calls for removing some of our trees and makes provision for adding many...

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Parish Acquires Antique Baptismal Font

St. Ignatius has purchased an antique marble Baptismal font for the new church.Rick Lair of King Richard’s Liturgical recently purchased the century-old font and altar from a church that had closed in New Mexico. He knew that it was manufactured by DaPrado of Chicago, the same company that made the...

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Adoration Chapel Update

Summer is officially rounding the bend and many are wondering how the perpetual adoration endeavor is going. Lots of questions are buzzing around – “How does the online calendar look?” “What can I do to help?” “When will we be opening?” “What do I do when I need a substitute...

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