Saint of the Month: St. Charles Lwanga and companions

St. Charles Lwanga and companions were martyrs for purity during Christian persecution in Uganda. CHRISTIANITY COMES TO THE KINGDOM OF BUGANDA In the early1880s, Christian missionaries entered the Ugandan Kingdom of Buganda, and were welcomed by King Mutesa. They were especially successful with the young people, many of whom served...

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Wisdom of the Saints about charity (part 3)

“Let [the Christian] examine his charity, to be able to say: I am born of God. If he lacks it, he is a deserter running away, even if he bears the seal of a Christian.” St. Augustine of Hippo (4th-5th centuries, Doctor of the Church) “Love, by its nature, is...

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Saint of the Month: St. John Berchmans

St. John Berchmans was a gifted Jesuit seminarian who lived a short life of exemplary virtue. John was born in 1599 to a master shoemaker’s family in Belgium. From early childhood, he wished to become a priest. He was notably affectionate and kind, and he possessed a cheerful disposition. He...

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Saint of the Month: St. Alphonsus Rodriguez

St. Alphonsus Rodriguez was a Jesuit brother who overcame great personal tragedy to become a kindly and esteemed porter and spiritual advisor. Alphonsus was born at Segovia, Spain in 1533 to a prosperous cloth merchant and his wife. The family hosted a young [St.] Peter Favre (Faber) for an extended...

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Wisdom of the Saints about silence (part 2)

“Quiet is the first step in our sanctification, the tongue purified from the gossip of the world; the eyes unexcited by fair color or comely shape; the ear not relaxing the tone of the mind by voluptuous songs, nor by that special mischief, the talk of comedians and clowns.” St....

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Saint of the Month: Sts. Eulogius and Leocritia

Saints Eulogius, priest, and Leocritia, laywoman, of Cordoba were martyrs for the faith during the Moorish occupation of southern Spain. Since the early eighth century, southern Spain was under the rule of the Moors. They were a Muslim people mostly from northern Africa who had invaded the Iberian peninsula, as...

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