Summer is officially rounding the bend and many are wondering how the perpetual adoration endeavor is going. Lots of questions are buzzing around – “How does the online calendar look?” “What can I do to help?” “When will we be opening?” “What do I do when I need a substitute for my hour?” With all of the prayers and enthusiasm regarding a perpetual adoration chapel here in Mobile, we thought we would take a moment to fill everyone in on where the last several months have taken us.
The proposed Perpetual Adoration Chapel for the entire Mobile Deanery has been underway for just under 4 months now and is charging forward into the fall with already 335 guardians representing almost 30 parishes in the Mobile Deanery. The Core Committee (representing 10 different parishes) has been busy all summer with meetings and planning sessions for the proposed and anticipated opening sometime this coming fall based on filling the remaining hours available.
Chapel renovation plans are currently in process for installing security cameras, a keypad door lock system, new landscaping, improved entrance lighting and reserved parking spaces for committed hourly guardians in the back parking lot. We are also planning and preparing for several “Guardian Training” sessions prior to opening (date TBD), where online committed guardians and substitutes will be given packets containing chapel access codes, Hourly Captain names and contact information, chapel conduct/etiquette, emergency procedures, as well as live demos for our electronic sign in process and the online substitute request process.
Finally, we have also been planning and working with the Fathers of Mercy – – on a three day Eucharistic Mission to be held here at St. Ignatius on September 16, 17, 18. Father Joseph Aytona, CPM will be presenting during the mission and he will preside at Masses the weekend prior to the mission (September 14 & 15).
How can you help? If you have already committed to an hour, please spread the word and personally invite and ask others to commit. If you have not made a commitment on, or have signed on only to be a substitute, please prayerfully consider taking a leap of faith and committing to one hour of prayer per week with Jesus and watch how the Lord blesses your life and your family’s life. In the words of Saint Mother Teresa, “Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration with exposition needs a great push. People ask me, ‘What will convert America and save the world?’ My answer is prayer. What we need is for every parish to come before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in holy hours of prayer.”
Got questions/Need help signing up? Please feel free to contact Inés Mersch at 972-896-3847 or Cathi deVeer at 251-377-0094. May God bless you and thank you for your continued prayers for this endeavor!