Christianity is not about ideas but about deeds inspired by love. ~Blessed Frederic Ozanam, founder, St. Vincent de Paul Society
Several parishioners, lead by Tom and Susan Powers, have recently reestablished the St.Vincent de Paul Society conference at St. Ignatius. If you have an interest in participating, please contact Tom Powers at
Donations Welcome!
The St. Ignatius Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society is completely funded by your donations. You can make monetary gifts at the new Poor Box, located in the narthex of the church. Please be generous.
Help Line
St. Ignatius Conference (for all those in zip codes 36608 and 36618): 251-395-0961
General SVdP (for all other zip codes): 251-243-4061
Please leave a message with your name, address (with zip code), and phone number.
Tom Powers
2nd Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m., Parish Room A
4th Saturdays, 8:45 a.m., Parish Room A